North Fork Special - Black

Tim Wade of North Fork Fly Shop in Wyoming has been tying and guiding with the Black version since '93, and it has become his best local "guide fly" producer. He wanted a moderately quick tie that would get down and serve as an attractor but also imitate immature stone nymphs. He created an amalgam of a little of this (Stonefly nymph) and a little of that (Prince nymph). In lieu of copper wire he chose red for visual stimulus, large stiff biots in Gray (vs. white). Tim claims that the biots cause a fly to wobble in the drift and thus imparts extra movement. It has lead wire in addition to the silver bead for extra weight, remember it's a guide fly. The Tan version was created several years later for golden stones. For some reason it seems to work well, even though bearing no resemblance. But it is as a tan stone rolling along the bottom that this fly shines. Both colors have gained a big REP in Wyoming; it has been written up in articles in several of the "mags".
Hook/Thread: Umpqua U-Series U202 Emerger/Pupa Hook / Uni 8/0 Thread
Bead: Spirit River Tungsten Beads
Body: Wapsi Rabbit Dubbing
Ribbing: Ultra Wire Small
Tail: Goose Biots
Wing: Goose Biots
Wing Case: Turkey Biot Quills