If the "TRAVEL ITCH" strikes you at the holiday table or beneath the fireworks of a New Year's celebration, you aren't alone! We experience it pretty much every year: the post-chaos of the holiday season or the first good snow seem to wake our collective desire to get up and go somewhere tropical.
An important component of booking a trip is having as many options as possible, and it is one of Yellow Dog's greatest strengths when it comes to destination angling. With so many available possibilities in our lineup, we have the ability to assemble opportunities and options based on your wants, needs, and budget – taking all into account to ensure you arrive at the best destination FOR YOU.
The biggest challenge that we deal with again and again, however, is that most travelers wait until one of the busiest times of the year to inquire about a trip to the Bahamas, Belize, Mexico or other nearby and in-demand destinations. And while we can usually find space, the reality of waiting is that you end up with fewer possibilities, as so many of the premier destinations book up early for "peak season." So with that in mind, we are happy to offer up a couple of effective solutions to ensure you get the experience you’re hoping for.
Get Ahead of Schedule
Summer is a busy time for a lot of travelers and anglers. The kids are home from school, its a popular time for catching up with friends and family, and sunny days mean abundant options in the outdoor world. However, the best advice we can give to someone hoping to enjoy traveling to the tropics in the first five to six months of the coming year is to book well in advance. We know that we will likely want to escape the cold or enjoy some R&R after a chaotic holiday season and New Year, and for sure we are not alone! Many other travelers feel the same, which is why these months book up quickly. By planning 8-12 months out, you have far more flexibility and lodging options, as well as the ability to secure the best guides, tides and prime weeks. Once you have the reservation in place with Yellow Dog and the lodge, you can then ease into the process of booking your flight, packing your bags, and filling your fly box.

Consider the "Off Season"
There are several reasons to travel in the Summer and Fall months. Firstly, angling pressure is generally lighter this time of year, which is always a desired factor in saltwater angling. Secondly, as a result of lower angling pressure, the guides are fresh. It isn't uncommon for a guide to be guiding day after day during the months of January though May, so the slower months mean ample downtime for the guides and an renewed eagerness to put clients on fish.
Another hot-button issue for travelers is the weather: one of the most impactful elements of a saltwater fishery. Yes, springtime in the Caribbean is often wonderful, but is still susceptible to cold fronts or squalls. The rainy season for tropical locales can be a misnomer, with the peak of rain activity often taking place overnight. Named storms are always a possibility between June and November, but trip insurance is a relatively cheap and easy investment to overcome any unforeseen weather events.
Take Advantage of Better Rates
This doesn't apply to every lodge, but most tropical destinations offer seasonal rates that make travel more affordable. This is a great time to try out somewhere new or bring along a friend at a lower price point. We routinely update our seasonal discounts, with many of them spread across the Caribbean region.
Simply put? Don't wait too long to reserve your dates and book your next trip. Every single year we have to tell clients that the destination they want the most is fully booked for their desired dates. If you have your eye on a certain tide or prefer a certain guide, chances are that other anglers do as well. You can start planning your next trip well in advance, as the holidays will be here before you know it.