Spring Creeks Fishing Reports
Big Sky Country is our backyard. We've put our passion for Montana fly fishing trips to work and have hand-picked a selection of fly-fishing lodges, overnight float trips, and day trips. If you're thinking of a Montana fly fishing vacation, looking for a multi-day wilderness fishing experience, or just visiting Bozeman or Missoula or another Montana town and want to add on a fishing trip, let Yellow Dog's Montana roots work for you.
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The spring creeks will be the best option in the Bozeman area for a while. The weather however will not make fishing very pleasant for at least a week. Mostly nymphing now. Still a few midges around throughout the day. Midge nymphs and emergers will be great options when the fish are eating sub-surface or in the film. Nymphing will be pretty consistent in the event that the trout do not want to cooperate and eat bugs from the surface. If nothing else seems to be working a Wooly Bugger can be a fun option. Midge hatches will start improving as we get closer to spring. It is definitely worth having dry flies and floatant on hand if you fish the creeks.
To purchase an assortment of up-to-date, hand-selected flies for area Spring Creeks:
- Select the Montana Fly Assortment below
- Select the number of desired flies
- Enter where and when you plan on fishing
- Opt for In-store pickup at checkout

Montana fishing licenses are available for purchase online at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and at Yellow Dog Flyfishing - Fly Shop (some exceptions may apply). If you are planning to fish in the headwaters of the Gallatin River area above Taylor's Fork (approx. 1 mile upstream); be aware that most of this is in Yellowstone National Park which requires a separate fishing license and is seasonally open to fishing according to YNP regulations.
The Livingston Area Spring Creeks have limited rod availability. Be sure to call and make a reservation before you make the drive.
- Nelson's: 406.222.6560
- Armstrong's: 406.222.2979
- DePuy's: 406.222.0221
Originating in the heart of Paradise Valley, from the Yellowstone aquifer, Armstrongs Spring Creek (sometimes referred to as O’Hair Spring Creek) is 8 miles south of Livingston, Montana. Outside of providing the Yellowstone River a flush of ice-cold water year-round, the spring creek provides essential spawning habitat for rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout.
The spring creek is roughly 4.1 miles long in total length, and the Armstrong portion of the stream offers 1.3 miles of fishable water. Further downstream is Depuy’s Spring Creek which requires a separate rod fee and reservation. The headwaters begin on the O’Hair property and gains a significant portion of its water from three individual springs. Several seeps on the creek bed provide additional water throughout the watershed, which grows the creek from averaging 20ft wide to up to 100ft wide at its widest point.
Spring creeks provide not only consistent flows but consistent water temperatures year around too. On average, Armstrong Spring Creek fluctuates 4 degrees throughout the year – 48-54 degrees Fahrenheit.
Sections of Armstrong’s Spring Creek
Upper Section
Arguably the least popular section of the creek, the upper stretches of Armstrongs tends to be the slowest in regards to fishing activity. Siltier than the rest of the stream, insect life is relatively low. This, of course, results in small and sporadic hatches and the least fish per mile throughout the entire creek. You will find some of the largest fish in the stream up here – presumably escaping the angling pressure from down low. Sight nymphing will be the name of the game here, typically, and using small midge larva patterns is highly recommended.
Middle Section
Hands down, the middle section of Armstrong’s is the most productive. With the most riffles, best insect life, and highest trout counts, most anglers will focus their efforts in this area. Of course, these fish see the most angling pressure and have seen just about every good and bad presentation. During the PMD hatch, the most popular riffle on the property, the “Diagonal Riffle,†seems to almost come alive with 100+ fish in it eating insects. It’s quite the sight!
Lower Section
Starting from the Diagonal Riffle to the Depuys property border is the lower section of Armstrong’s. Home to the largest fish on the creek but arguably the spookiest. Sight fishing is the name of the game, and the rewards can be great for putting in lots of time fishing this section.
This is also prime spawning habitat, and tread lightly if you plan to wade in this area. Brown trout spawn late in the spring creeks due to consistent water temps – you can find fish actively working redds even in winter. Rainbows and cutthroats will use this area in the spring as well for their yearly spawn.
Seasons on Amerstrong’s Spring Creek
Spring/Early Summer
As the air temp warms, quality hatches of spring BWO’s start in March and will last until May on most years. Fish are eager to sip duns off the surface and eat a well-presented dry fly with commitment. These fish have experienced minimal pressure for the last few months, producing some fantastic days on the creek. Relatively small, we suggest being prepared with baetis patterns in the 18-22 size range.
Typically in late April to early May, we see the yearly emergence of “Mothers Day Caddis.†This section of the creek generally is too cool for an actual large caddis hatch and gets the majority of its insects from the Yellowstone River. The fish will eat a well-presented caddis dry even when they aren’t the primary food source in the creek for them.
Once mid-June arrives, it’s PMD time. This is hands down the creme de la creme of spring creek fishing, and the reason anglers book rod spots up to two years in advance! These early-season PMD’s are large and easy pickings for hungry trout. Ranging in size from 14-18, there’s no mistaking when these “yellow sailboats†start appearing on the surface. These insects tend to bring every fish in the creek up and feeding – this showcases just how healthy the trout population is on this small water. Later in the summer (mid-July), the stream will see the second species of PMD’s – ephemerella inermis. These duns range from size 16-20, and the fish know it. Be prepared to fish emergers and floating nymphs this time of year, as the trout have seen a large smattering of dry flies by now. Your fly box better be full of offerings as this is actual technical spring creek fishing.
The yearly grasshopper “hatch†begins in mid-July and provides the most prominent protein source of trout in the spring creek. Hope for a windy day, as this will help push these insects into the stream and turn them into an easy meal for the waiting trout. Beetles and ants are also insects high on a trouts list this time of year and can fool even the most selective of late-season, spring creek trout.
As another Montana summer draws to a close, fish begin to look for big calorie meals to pack on the weight before a long winter shows up. Twitching sculpins, woolly buggers, and other small streamer patterns will entice trout off the bottom or out of undercut banks for an easy meal. Nymphing the tail outs and soft runs will also prove effective with scuds, sowbugs, and many mayfly imitations.
With the consistent flows and water temps found on Armstrong’s, hatches follow suit in being consistent and decently predictable. During the winter months, midge hatches can be pretty prevalent and are an essential food source for these trout during the long Montana winter. If you catch it just right and have a calm and cloudy day in Paradise Valley, the midge fishing can be life-changing! Nymphing on Armstrongs during the winter months proves to be the most fruitful method. Scuds, sowbugs, midge larva, and small mayfly imitations are sure to pick up a trout or two in the deep pools.
While only 1.3 miles in length, Armstrong’s Spring Creek can offer a wide variety of fishing scenarios for anglers of all skills. An authentic year-round fishing experience can be had at Armstrong’s. Don’t forget to plan well in advance if you’re hoping to fish the famed PMD hatch, as dates will fill up one to two years in advance!
Armstrong’s Spring Creek Flies
Dry Flies
- Captive Dun (size 14-20)
- Sparkle Dun (size 14-20)
- Last Chance Cripple (size 14-18)
- CDC Biot Emerger (size 14-18)
- X-Caddis (size 14-18)
- Corn Fed Caddis (size 14-18)
- Rusty Spinner (size 14-20)
- Short Wing Emerger (size 14-20)
- Griffith’s Gnat (size 18-22)
- Film Critic (size 14-18)
- Fur Ant (size 14-18)
- Foam Beetle (size 12-18)
- Dave’s Hopper (size 8-12)
- Pheasant Tail (size 14-22)
- Crack Back PMD Nymph (size 14-18)
- Copper John (size 12-18)
- Prince Nymph (size 14-18)
- Zebra Midge (size 14-22)
- Sparkle Scud (size 14-18)
- Balanced Squirrel Leech (size 12)
- Black Bugger (size 6-10)
Lodging Options
Yellowstone Valley Lodge – recently renovated and re-opened – is a highly personalized Montana fishing lodge located in beautiful Paradise Valley, Montana. Built directly on the banks of the world-famous Yellowstone River – known for its prolific hatches and excellent cutthroat and rainbow fishing – YVL offers the finest location in the entire area. Through head guide and outfitter Eric Adams, the Lodge is committed to offering the best Montana fly fishing experiences on the world-famous waters of the Yellowstone, Madison, and Boulder Rivers, as well as area spring creeks that include Armstrong’s, DePuy’s, and Nelson’s. From any of the ranch’s 16 private riverside cabins, you look directly over the Yellowstone River in the shadow of Dexter Point (elevation 9,859 feet). Notable additions to the Lodge include new and upgraded furnishings in the cabins, added availability for additional activities such as hiking, rafting, horseback riding, and coordinated transportation services to and from the airport in Bozeman.
In the early twentieth century, the DePuy (Duh-pew) family bought land on the banks of the Yellowstone River outside of the small railroad town of Livingston, Montana. Over the years, the family continued to purchase additional tracts of land, resulting in the DePuy Ranch. More than fifty years later, after buying the initial land, owner Warren DePuy built an antebellum-style home on the property that still greets anglers today.
Anglers from all over the world have heard of the Paradise Valley spring creeks. They are securely fastened in the history and lore of fly fishing for trout. There may not be a more famous spring creek in the area like DePuy’s. The stream makes its humble beginnings on the O’Hair Ranch, nearly a mile-and-a-half above the DePuy/O’Hair property line. It then meanders through open fields before eventually making its way into the Yellowstone River. Because it is a spring creek, the water tends to stay at a constant temperature. The wild trout are used to continual water flow and stable temperatures, which creates an optimal and sound setting for them to feed.
Nearly three miles of the spring creek are managed for world-class fly fishing opportunities on the DePuy Ranch. Property managers currently allow a capacity of only sixteen rods per day. Anglers have ample room to spread out among the creek in three different sections: the lower, middle, and upper. When fishing DePuy Spring Creek, the best advice one could give is to take your time and observe! The creek features slow-moving water with numerous undercut banks, microcurrents, and deep pools. Long leaders coupled with light tippet and precise presentations will aid in your success. In many ways, this is trout “hunting†at its finest.
Sections of Depuy Spring Creek
Upper Section
The upper section near the O’Hair/DePuy property line can be defined by flat and slow-moving water, and during the summertime, plenty of moss. When the weather cools in the early spring or fall, the moss begins to die off, and the far upper section becomes a great option. If you do end up hooking a trout on light tippet and it bolts for the moss, then it becomes virtually impossible to keep it connected.
Aptly named the “PhD pool,†this hole houses some of the most significant yet most challenging fish on the ranch. Very light tippets and drag-free drifts are crucial if you plan to fool one of these trophy trout. A culvert at the lower end of the slow-moving pool creates microcurrents, which can be exceptionally challenging to present drag-free drifts.
Further downstream from the PhD pool is a small fly shop and an angler’s hut that, during the winter, can be used to build a fire and warm up. Property managers keep the angler’s hut well-stocked with firewood during colder months. The fly shop, while small, stocks everything an angler may need for a day of fishing on Depuy’s. Right outside the fly shop is Betty’s Riffle, where fly fishers can go to cool their nerves after a potentially humbling experience on the above PhD pool. The faster-moving water pays favor to the angler by providing less time for trout to observe your fly and a little bit more room for drag-free drift error.
Middle Section
The section below the fly shop to Dick’s Pond, situated in front of the main house, is the middle section. This section accounts for around a mile of the spring creek. The middle section has numerous deep holes, undercut banks, and is defined by its slow-moving water. For anglers fishing dry flies, keep an eye on the bank for noses breaking the surface. Like the Harriman Ranch on the Henry’s Fork or the Missouri River below Holter Dam, slow-moving water can collect foam in eddies, containing bugs. Trout will stage on these eddies and chow down on the bug feast that has been caught in this aquatic spider web, especially during solid hatches.
Once you have spotted a rising fish or pod of fish, don’t immediately start casting to them. This is hunting! Much like locating elk through a spotting scope from a far distance, you must consider the options and plan your approach. Does it make sense to approach from behind or make a downstream and across presentation? Look at the microcurrents and what could challenge you from potentially completing numerous drag-free drifts. Is it worth getting super close without putting the fish down? These are all questions you must ask before you make your first presentation. In dry fly fishing or fishing in general, for that matter, the first presentation has to be your best. Every presentation you make after that, especially on a spring creek trout, the odds of you landing the fish continue to decrease.
Lower Section
Just below where the water flows from Dick’s Pond to where DePuy’s runs into the Yellowstone River is defined as the lower section. Numerous riffles and long runs characterize this section of DePuy’s. Dry fly fishing in the lower section can be easier than the upper with the introduction of more riffle fishing versus flat, slow-moving water. If it is your first time fishing a spring creek or you’re relatively novice to fly fishing for trout, the lower section of Depuy’s is a great place to start.
A few slow-moving pools in this section have silty bottoms, especially toward the lower end of DePuy. Scuds and midges fished under the surface or in the film do well here.
During the winter, spring, and fall, trout from the Yellowstone River move into lower Depuy’s to spawn. Rainbow trout begin to spawn in the creek in February and are soon followed by the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout in mid-May. The fall season is a great time to look for brown trout that have moved into Depuy’s from the Yellowstone starting in October. Just be sure that you do not step on any redds or target actively spawning fish. There are usually orange cones that mark where anglers are not allowed to fish due to cutthroat and rainbow trout spawning.
Seasons on DePuy Spring Creek
In the early spring, water levels on the creek tend to be at their lowest. With the introduction of warmer weather, weed beds begin to grow, which, in turn, raises the water level. DePuy’s will experience hatches of midges and blue-winged olives throughout April. At this time, there may still be a decent amount of rainbow trout spawning in the creek. Come early May; caddis can hatch in solid numbers. This will most likely continue until mid-May, when they begin to taper off. Anglers may experience hatches of callibaetis later in May as well.
Depending on whether or not southwest Montana experienced a cold and wet spring, anglers may have hatches of pale morning duns in early June or sparse hatches of BWOs, callibaetis, and midges. If it was a warm spring, then you may have a shot at the first PMD hatches of the year in early June. Regardless, be sure to have some dry attractor flies such as a Royal Wulff and Renegade in various sizes during this time.
By mid-to-late June, anglers can expect steady hatches of pale morning duns. By July, the dry fly fishing on Depuy’s is at its peak. Anglers that arrive early to the creek may experience trout sipping spinners. Throughout the day, trout may be caught on terrestrial dry flies such as small hoppers, ants, and beetles. By late afternoon, hatches of sulphur mayflies can bring fish to the surface. The PMD spinner fall will take place in the evening, coupled with some caddis activity. In short, it may be hard to leave!
By August, the fish have most likely seen every PMD fly available in Paradise Valley. It will become increasingly challenging to feed a fish on a PMD; however, anglers can still catch fish on sulphur and caddis hatches. The terrestrial fishing during August can be excellent. Casting small hopper, beetle, and ant patterns will most likely produce some healthy trout throughout the day. There may be some hatches of trico mayflies in certain sections of the creek.
Generally, the month of September can be great weather. The hatches of PMDs, sulphurs, and tricos begin to wane quickly. There are still some terrestrial fishing to be had, especially flying ants in early-to-mid September. By the end of the month, it is best to have a fly box full of midges and BWOs.
In October, you can bet on daily hatches of midges and BWOs, especially during low-pressure systems. Brown trout begin to spawn in the creek, and a streamer or gaudy nymph may produce a trophy-sized fish. Paradise Valley is gorgeous in October, and there may be days where you have the majority of DePuy’s to yourself!
DePuy Spring Creek Flies
Dry Flies
- Captive Dun (size 14-20)
- Sparkle Dun (size 14-20)
- Last Chance Cripple (size 14-18)
- CDC Biot Emerger (size 14-18)
- X-Caddis (size 14-18)
- Corn Fed Caddis (size 14-18)
- Rusty Spinner (size 14-20)
- Short Wing Emerger (size 14-20)
- Griffith’s Gnat (size 18-22)
- Film Critic (size 14-18)
- Fur Ant (size 14-18)
- Foam Beetle (size 12-18)
- Dave’s Hopper (size 8-12)
- Pheasant Tail (size 14-22)
- Crack Back PMD Nymph (size 14-18)
- Copper John (size 12-18)
- Prince Nymph (size 14-18)
- Zebra Midge (size 14-22)
- Sparkle Scud (size 14-18)
- Balanced Squirrel Leech (size 12)
- Black Bugger (size 6-10)
Lodging Options
Yellowstone Valley Lodge – recently renovated and re-opened – is a highly personalized Montana fishing lodge located in beautiful Paradise Valley, Montana. Built directly on the banks of the world-famous Yellowstone River – known for its prolific hatches and excellent cutthroat and rainbow fishing – YVL offers the finest location in the entire area. Through head guide and outfitter Eric Adams, the Lodge is committed to offering the best Montana fly fishing experiences on the world-famous waters of the Yellowstone, Madison, and Boulder Rivers, as well as area spring creeks that include Armstrong’s, DePuy’s, and Nelson’s. From any of the ranch’s 16 private riverside cabins, you look directly over the Yellowstone River in the shadow of Dexter Point (elevation 9,859 feet). Notable additions to the Lodge include new and upgraded furnishings in the cabins, added availability for additional activities such as hiking, rafting, horseback riding, and coordinated transportation services to and from the airport in Bozeman.
Nelson’s Spring Creek is hallowed in many fly fishing circles, primarily dedicated dry fly anglers. The creek is located on the opposite side of the river from Armstrong’s and DePuy’s and is fed by an underground aquifer that pumps constant, cool temperatures year-round into the steam. Three-quarters of a mile of private spring creek fishing is available for anglers to fish. To sustain a great fishing environment, the folks at Nelson’s limit the number of rods per day to six. This helps spread the amount of fishing pressure throughout the stream.
Other water sources to Nelson’s include a sizable pond spring and a few marshes in which the water will drain into the creek. Because the spring water always stays within a constant temperature (48-54 ºF) throughout the year, it translates to an extremely healthy trout stream where aquatic insect life prospers. The creek originates on the Dana property, which is right above the Nelson’s. It then snakes its way for approximately one-and-a-half miles before linking with the Yellowstone River.
Nelson’s is famous for the marvelous mayfly, midge, and caddis hatches. There is a core following of Paradise Valley spring creek anglers that will book the exact dates year after year. While it can be technical fishing, everyone should experience these fascinating spring creek fisheries at least once in their life. If you arrive on one of “those days†where every trout in the creek seems to be rising, it most likely won’t be your last time fishing it either.
The rainbow, brown, and native cutthroat trout in Nelson’s average about 15-19 inches; however, some larger trophy-sized fish breach the highly sought-after twenty-inch mark. These larger fish, primarily brown trout, require the ultimate stealth coupled with precise casting and fly presentation. Fishing long leaders and light tippets here is essential. There are plenty of microcurrents caused by weed beds and numerous other structures that can challenge even the most well-seasoned dry fly anglers. But don’t let this intimidate you! With a good guide, even novice anglers can expect to land a few fish. The single best piece of advice when fishing a technical spring creek for trout or a permit flat in Cuba is to have confidence that you’ll get the job done!
Sections of Nelson’s Spring Creek
Middle Section
Right outside of the area that you’ll park to fish the creek are several runs of deep and swift-moving water. Several in-stream and submerged rocks create riffles that anglers can use to their advantage when approaching and presenting flies to trout. The slow-moving pools above the faster water require the ultimate stealth. To effectively fish these sections, several things need to be considered. Move slowly, stay low, and observe. Long leaders and light tippet are required. Plan your approach beforehand. Generally, a down-and-across presentation works well. If you overshoot the fish on a down-and-across presentation, you can move the tip of your fly rod in a sweeping motion to put the fly in the trout’s feeding lane before it passes over the fish. Anglers fishing for pressured bonefish and tarpon utilize this method as well – casting well ahead of the fish, then moving the fly into the zone by sweeping the rod tip. For spring creek trout, this only works if your fly and leader come well ahead of the fly line on a down-and-across presentation. Don’t try moving the fly into the trout’s feeding lane too close to the trout, as you’ll risk spooking it with an unnatural movement.
Lower Section
Below the parking lot is considered the lower section of Nelson’s Spring Creek. The creek in this section is defined by narrow lanes, riffles, and moss beds that create seams and feeding lanes. There are some trophy-sized fish in the lower reaches of Nelson’s. The challenging part is keeping the fish out of the weeds once hooked on a small dry and light tippet. A 3-4 weight fly rod that can protect light tippets is needed. Apply side pressure to the trout in the opposite direction from which it is heading. Continue administering constant side pressure at various angles to try and disorient the trout so you can land it as quickly as possible.
In addition to Nelson’s Spring Creek, there are also several trout ponds on the property. Nelson’s Pond is stocked with rainbow trout from the Nelson’s personal fish hatchery. This is an excellent place for novice anglers or a quick warm-up before fishing the spring creek. The fish in the ponds average in the 8-14 inch range.
Seasons on Nelson’s Spring Creek
The spring hatches begin with midges, which can be present throughout the year. Hatches of Baetis mayflies quickly follow them. During cloudy and warmer spring days, the Baetis hatches can be excellent. Fishing floating nymph patterns or small Sparkle Duns can produce some healthy trout. By early May, the Mother’s Day caddis hatch should be in full force on the nearby Yellowstone River. Some caddis do hatch in Nelson’s Spring Creek, so if you’re fishing here this time of year, ensure you have caddis emergers and dries.
This time of year is what makes Nelson’s Spring Creek so famous. The hatches of pale morning duns can bring many fish to the surface to feed on cripples, emergers, duns, and spinners. The first wave of PMDs, in late spring and early summer, are larger than the PMDs that hatch later in the summer. In fact, they’re actually two different species of PMDs. Later in the summer, Nelson’s experiences hatches of sulphur mayflies. Hoppers, ants, and beetles will appear and become a more significant part of a trout’s diet in August. If you can’t figure out what a trout is feeding on, usually a rusty spinner, black ant, or beetle can break a hatch. During mid-day lulls, try fishing a scud pattern, a small olive/black leech or sculpin pattern, or midges. If you’d like to experience the pale morning dun hatches (which you should!) on Nelson’s Spring Creek, it is highly recommended that you book as far in advance as possible.
A few sulphurs, PMDs, and terrestrials are around in early September. By late September and early October, hatches of midges and fall Baetis begin to pick up. This is a great and often overlooked time to fish Nelson’s. Swinging a leech pattern in the deep pools and riffles, especially during the evening, can produce some hefty brown trout in October.
Nelson’s Spring Creek Flies
Dry Flies
- Captive Dun (size 14-20)
- Sparkle Dun (size 14-20)
- Last Chance Cripple (size 14-18)
- CDC Biot Emerger (size 14-18)
- X-Caddis (size 14-18)
- Corn Fed Caddis (size 14-18)
- Rusty Spinner (size 14-20)
- Short Wing Emerger (size 14-20)
- Griffith’s Gnat (size 18-22)
- Film Critic (size 14-18)
- Fur Ant (size 14-18)
- Foam Beetle (size 12-18)
- Dave’s Hopper (size 8-12)
- Pheasant Tail (size 14-22)
- Crack Back PMD Nymph (size 14-18)
- Copper John (size 12-18)
- Prince Nymph (size 14-18)
- Zebra Midge (size 14-22)
- Sparkle Scud (size 14-18)
- Balanced Squirrel Leech (size 12)
- Black Bugger (size 6-10)
Lodging Options
Yellowstone Valley Lodge – recently renovated and re-opened – is a highly personalized Montana fishing lodge located in beautiful Paradise Valley, Montana. Built directly on the banks of the world-famous Yellowstone River – known for its prolific hatches and excellent cutthroat and rainbow fishing – YVL offers the finest location in the entire area. Through head guide and outfitter Eric Adams, the Lodge is committed to offering the best Montana fly fishing experiences on the world-famous waters of the Yellowstone, Madison, and Boulder Rivers, as well as area spring creeks that include Armstrong’s, DePuy’s, and Nelson’s. From any of the ranch’s 16 private riverside cabins, you look directly over the Yellowstone River in the shadow of Dexter Point (elevation 9,859 feet). Notable additions to the Lodge include new and upgraded furnishings in the cabins, added availability for additional activities such as hiking, rafting, horseback riding, and coordinated transportation services to and from the airport in Bozeman.