Canada Fly Fishing Lodges
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Fly Fishing the Land of the Great White North
If you used only one word to describe the fly fishing in Canada, that word would definitely be “variety.” From the legendary steelhead waters of British Columbia to the trout-rich rivers of Alberta to the pike-filled lakes of Saskatchewan, finding a Canada fly fishing lodge to exceed your highest expectations is effortless. Serious and slightly more experienced anglers may be interested in the challenge of wild steelhead in British Columbia – home to the world’s most famous steelhead rivers and the largest trophy sea-run rainbows on the planet. While rarely a “numbers” game, the satisfaction of hooking, fighting, and landing even a single wild and pure-strain anadromous fish ranks at the very top of the list of great angling accomplishments. For adventurous anglers looking for trophy Northern Pike, the lakes of Saskatchewan attract anglers from all over the world with vast pike, lake trout, Arctic grayling, and walleye populations.