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Slovenia Fly Fishing Lodges

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A Hidden Gem in the World of Fly Fishing

Located just to the south of Austria and bordered by Italy, Hungary, and Croatia, Slovenia is renowned for its crystal-clear rivers, stunning alpine scenery, and diverse fish species – including the iconic marble trout and the Danube hucho hucho taimen. With so much diversity and an incredible number of rivers, Slovenia offers fly anglers what may be the best freshwater fishing in all of Europe – in an area that also delivers some of the most beautiful natural landscapes on the continent. As a travel destination, Slovenia provides the history, culture, and character of “Old Europe,” while the country itself is modern, clean, safe, and incredibly friendly. Slovenia’s strong conservation efforts, progressive sportfishing regulations, and protection of native species like the marble trout, taimen, and European grayling have helped maintain and support thriving fish populations and create one of the most legitimate angling destinations in the entire region.

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