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Choosing a Fly Rod: The 8-Weight
Choosing a Fly Rod: The 8-Weight
January 30, 25
If the 5-weight fly rod is the all-around rod that can serve you across many freshwater fishing scenarios, the 8-weight is its heavier counterpart. It can by no means "do it all," but it serves anglers well in a multitude of environments and scenarios. The 8WT hits that sweet spot of power and...
Choosing a Fly Rod: The 5-Weight
Choosing a Fly Rod: The 5-Weight
January 20, 25
The 5-Weight Fly Rod: A Versatile Tool for Every Angler In freshwater fly fishing, the 9-foot 5-weight fly rod is the most popular and versatile option in an angler’s arsenal. A 5WT is considered the “jack-of-all-trades” for trout fishing, and if you're just getting into the sport, is the first rod an angler...
Tips for Dealing with Flight Delays: The 1-3-1 Method
Tips for Dealing with Flight Delays: The 1-3-1 Method
January 22, 25
The 1-3-1 rule is a practical strategy developed by Scott Keyes, founder of the flight-deals app Going, to help travelers quickly navigate flight disruptions like cancellations or delays. We all know that flight delays and disruptions – be it weather-related, mechanical or something else – can wreak havoc on fishing travel, so when...
Fly Fishing the World Year-Round: A Complete Month-to-Month Guide
Fly Fishing the World Year-Round: A Complete Month-to-Month Guide
January 07, 25
In a perfect world, we would all spend our year globetrotting the world, heading from one fishery to the next and chasing warm weather. While that reality may seem far off, the least we can do is provide you with the information to ensure whenever you are thinking of angling abroad, you have...
Fly Fishing for Barracuda: Tackle, Flies, and Techniques
Fly Fishing for Barracuda: Tackle, Flies, and Techniques
June 18, 24
Barracuda aren't always given the credit they deserve in the world of saltwater fly fishing. They are understandably maligned for attempting to snatch the bonefish on the end of your line, forcing responsible guides and anglers to find another flat without the "tax man" lurking nearby. But instead of finding them frustrating or...
The Top 8 Hopper Flies
The Top 8 Hopper Flies
November 01, 24
Come summertime, some of the most exciting fishing of the year starts, when clumsy grasshoppers take flight and trout take notice. The thump of a big grasshopper hitting the water is like a siren song to hungry fish, and they're typically gobbled up in seconds. The takes are reactive and aggressive, providing anglers with...
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