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Lower Madison Fishing Reports

Your Local Source For Fishing Reports

Big Sky Country is our backyard. We've put our passion for Montana fly fishing trips to work and have hand-picked a selection of fly-fishing lodges, overnight float trips, and day trips. If you're thinking of a Montana fly fishing vacation, looking for a multi-day wilderness fishing experience, or just visiting Bozeman or Missoula or another Montana town and want to add on a fishing trip, let Yellow Dog's Montana roots work for you.

Listen to this WAYPOINTS Podcast: Jake WELLS – Planning the Perfect Trip to Montana

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Lower Madison River Fishing Reports
Updated Mar 06, 25

*Flow Data: Madison River below Ennis Lake near McAllister, MT

Fishing has been pretty darn good this past week. Fish are mostly focused in the deep buckets, walking speed or slightly faster. It is worth spending some time working these types of water with different flies if the first rig does not seem to work. Nymphing is certainly the best option. Black Zebra midges or Red Manhattan Midges in size #18 have been working well. Little Yellow Sally nymphs have been surprising good. The Jig Baby Sally #14 has worked best for me. Worms and sowbugs have still been very effective as well. The Tailwater sowbug with the tungsten head is my favorite. Midge hatches are pretty good. If it is calm and overcast you should be able to find some fish rising to these small bugs. If you do find rising trout, a small Parachute Adams in #18 or a Griffith's Gnat should work. Streamer action is on the rise once again. Slowly swung flies will likely do better than a fast retrieve. Sparkle minnows or buggers are my go-to cold water patterns. Focus on fishing streamers deep and retrieved slowly for the best success.

To purchase an assortment of up-to-date, hand-selected flies for the Lower Madison River:

  • Select the Montana Fly Assortment below
  • Select the number of desired flies
  • Enter where and when you plan on fishing
  • Opt for In-store pickup at checkout

Montana fishing licenses are available for purchase online at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and at Yellow Dog Flyfishing - Fly Shop (some exceptions may apply). If you are planning to fish in the headwaters of the Gallatin River area above Taylor's Fork (approx. 1 mile upstream); be aware that most of this is in Yellowstone National Park which requires a separate fishing license and is seasonally open to fishing according to YNP regulations.

For Shuttles on the Lower Madison Contact:

  • Bob's Shuttles: (406) 595-0587
  • Space Shuttle: (406) 518-1799
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Discharge Rate (cfs)