Tanzania Equipment List
Shop For Your Next Tanzania Fly Fishing Adventure
Perhaps the most adventurous of any program Yellow Dog offers, Tanzania is an incredibly remote and wild destination. Anglers should be well prepared to make this trip, as this destination is the definition of off-the-grid in terms of access to gear. Large, predatory tigerfish with razor sharp teeth can make quick work of flies, so anglers should pack appropriately.
Having extensively traveled and fly fished the world, we are the industry’s foremost authority on destination-specific equipment, gear, and flies. Over a week of fishing in Tanzania, anglers can expect to pursue one of fly fishing's most tenacious predators: the tigerfish. If you are fishing for less than five days, we recommend a bare minimum of twelve flies or a more adequate selection of twenty-four flies.
Anglers should bring both a floating, tropical rated line and a sink tip line in the 300-350 grain range. Backup lines are strongly encouraged.