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Puerto Rico

No Name Lodge

Double-Occupancy Guesthouse Rooms // Capacity - 6 anglers
Tarpon & Permit
Ideal For
Solo Anglers, Friends & Adventurous Anglers
A Productive Tarpon and Permit Fishery Close to Home
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Situated approximately 1,000 miles southeast of the southern tip of Florida, Puerto Rico offers year-round access to unpressured tarpon and a number of productive flats for pursuing tailing permit on foot. No Name Lodge is a small operation hosting no more than six anglers each week, perfect for groups of anglers or for a pair of friends to enjoy. Guests lodge right on the water of Boquerón Marina, a notable commercial fishing marina that provides the region with a plethora of fresh seafood options. Boquerón’s picturesque downtown is less populous and more inviting than some of Puerto Rico’s more popular cities, comprised of colorful architecture and ample dining options. Enjoyable nightlife options and an inviting downtown make for a fantastic way to enjoy the local culture after days on the water. Travel to Puerto Rico for American guests couldn’t be easier as passports are not required for entry, and you do not have to pass through customs. We recommend Puerto Rico to anyone who enjoys immediate access to productive saltwater angling, with comfortable, no-frill accommodations and an immersive cultural experience abroad.
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Lodging Details
No Name’s three-story guest house is located in Boquerón Harbor overlooking the calm waters of Puerto Rico’s flats. Guests can expect comfortable double-occupancy rooms, each with its own private bathroom. The common area downstairs consists of a gathering space with a television and fly-tying area and a dining room for guests to enjoy breakfast family style. Outside, a patio area grants anglers a great view of the harbor and a pleasant place to take coffee in the mornings or wind down after a day of fishing.

Food and Beverages
Each morning, guests enjoy breakfast consisting of coffee, juice, yogurt, breakfast pastries, and breakfast sandwiches. Lunch is eaten on the water, and anglers can choose from a couple of different sandwiches made locally at a nearby bakery. A couple of the dinners are included in the package, including grilled meats and local seafood. The remainder of your meals are enjoyed in the town of Boquerón, with plenty of local options. No Name’s staff is happy to assist anglers in finding the best dining destination to suit their preferences, with the town’s center only a few minutes away.

Typical Length of Stay
Stays of three (3) days / four (4) nights or five (5) days / six (6) nights are available. Monday arrival works best for the lodge’s schedule to avoid any weekend traffic during travel.

Non-Angling Activities and Options
The lodge is primarily geared toward anglers, but spending time in Boqueron to enjoy the local culture or the local beach is a great option. Each night you will have the opportunity to go into town for drinks, shopping, etc. Golfing and surfing can also be arranged if you want to take a day off the water.

Internet / Communications
Cellular service is available on the island of Puerto Rico with all major US carriers. Please double-check your plan about an extended network during your stay. Wi-Fi is available in the guest house.

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