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Staff Picks

Teagan Jendro

August 05, 24

What is your favorite species (or hatch) to fish for and where?
My favorite hatch to fish is the PMD hatch on the Missouri River. Fish can and will focus on eating only one stage of the hatch (emerger, dun, or spinner) and will refuse the other stages. Picking a fly that represents the correct stage at the right time and presenting it to a rising fish without drag is incredibly challenging. When you solve the puzzle and get to watch the fish devour your fly it is a visual reward that is tough to beat.

Favorite Rod/Reel combo and why?
The Scott G-Series 9’ 4 weight paired with the Hatch Iconic 3+. This set up balances exceptionally well and provides an angler with the ability to delicately drop a fly in front of a picky trout.

Favorite Fly Line(s)?
SA Amplitude Trout or SA Amplitude Infinity

Top Flies?
PMD CDC Biot Emerger, PMD Last Chance Cripple, Hi-Vis Rusty Spinner

Preferred Waders and Boots (if applicable)?
When I use waders, it is typically during cold poor weather conditions, so I want something warm and reliable. The Patagonia Zip Swiftcurrent Expedition waders with the Forra Boot do exactly what I need.

What do you use for leader and tippet and why does it work well for you?
Umpqua Perform X leader and Tippet material. It is supple yet strong so you can tug on large Missouri River trout with 5X and do not have to worry about breakign them off.

Favorite Luggage and Pack System?
Patagonia Stealth Sling Pack or Guidewater waterproof pack for nasty weather.

Favorite Accessories or Must-Have Pieces of Gear?
Fishpond Riverkeeper Thermometer or SA rod Sleeve

If you were forced to incorporate one piece of tying material into all of your flies, what would it be and why?
CDC. Floats well and is super buggy. Fish have a tough time saying no when this material is on your flies.

What is the go-to hook for pursuing (X)?
Trout Streamers have to be tied on Gamakatsu B10S hook.

What would your next purchase be on the Yellow Dog site? 
Handful of Henneberry Hoppers in Green

What are your favorite destinations you've traveled to and why? 
Louisiana. Redfish participate. The people in LA are extremely friendly, Cajun food is amazing, and New Orleans has an interesting and unique history.

What's on your bucket list? 
Seychelles and Bolivia