Dear Yellow Dog Friends and Clients:
The government of the Bahamas is about to make a monumental error in judgment.
Yellow Dog is joining with lodges, guides, small businesses and other booking entities to issue a “call to action” regarding dangerous new fisheries regulations and legislation that is being proposed by a small number of short-sighted, anti-foreign guides that aim to regulate fishing access in the Bahamas and actually prohibit foreign-owned fishing lodges throughout the Bahamas.
The proposed legislation holds the potential to cause a great deal of turmoil throughout the Bahamas, a longstanding favorite destination among the Yellow Dog team and thousands of our clients. The language of the proposed legislation states that new regulations should be put into place to “ensure the marine environments upon which the fishery is based, are protected.” Apparently the Bahamas believes attempting to evict the very lodges, guides and anglers that are the stewards of the resource is the way to grow their fishing tourism industry? Yellow Dog agrees with our partner lodges and the majority of guides and outfitters throughout the Bahamas that nothing could be further from the truth.
Flats fishing provides a substantial source of revenue for the Bahamian economy and has served as a mainstay for generating new visitors to the islands for decades. The fishery for bonefish in the Bahamas is a spectacular one, and it does not require over-regulation and one-sided permitting. Rather it requires stewardship and sound policies that protect and enhance the resources while at the same time providing much needed jobs and an important source of income for the country. We join with other industry entities, traveling anglers and destination providers in our belief that these proposed regulations are misguided, ill-timed and heavy handed.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTION STEP Please join us in making certain that the voices of sportsmen, recreational fishermen and destination anglers are heard. Public comment will only be accepted until Friday June 26, so please take a moment to weigh in on this important issue. + Please cut and paste the following letter (or write one of your own) and email it to: + fisheries [at] bahamas [dot] gov [dot] bs + primeminister [at] bahamas [dot] gov [dot] bs Dear Sir or Madam: I strongly oppose the proposed fisheries regulations currently being proposed for the Bahamas.
The issue of protecting the fisheries resource is not one of ownership but rather one of sound, common-sense stewardship. It is in the best interest of the fishing lodges and outfitting operations - whether they are locally owned or foreign owned - to protect the resource on which their businesses depend. Further, every fishing lodge in the Bahamas provides the country much needed jobs. Please focus your attention on the health and protection of the fisheries and do not attempt to regulate the guides and lodges.
The proposed fisheries regulations are quite literally a bad solution in search of a problem that does not exist. The traveling angler has many choices throughout the Caribbean and throughout the world. If the Bahamas passes this legislation and sends the message that destination anglers are not welcome in the Bahamas, then he or she will quite simply take their business elsewhere. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
RESOURCES When doing so, please reference the Fishing Resources (Jurisdiction and Conservation)(Flats Fishing) Regulations, 2015. Also, please note that the Bahamian Government made this bill public on the 18th, and voting is on the 29th, so if you feel strongly speak out.