Mighty Midge - Red - Size 18

"The Mighty Midge came about with the need for a fly that had a realistic profile and size but also had a small pop of color. I needed this fly to stand out against a swarm of midge larva that populate our rivers in the Winter, Spring and Fall months. But one that is not quite as an aggressive color as my Neon Nightmare Midge. I will typically fish the red color on darker days and the blue on brighter days. I fish the Mighty Midge as both a point fly in a two fly rig and as a trailing fly. I will typically fish the Mighty Midge deep to mid-level in the water column." - Matt McCannel
Hook/Thread: Tiemco 2488 Emerger/Pupa Hook / Veevus 12/0 Thread
Thorax: Semperfli Perdigon Body
Body: Thread
Ribbing: Veevus Body Quills
Resin: Loon UV Clear Fly Finish Thin