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Staff Picks

Alec Gerbec - Staff Picks

July 23, 24

Alec Gerbec has guided in the Seychelles, Alaska and throughout the US West. In his former role as head guide for Alphonse Fishing Company, Alec spent years guiding throughout the Seychelles, giving him the ideal background and skill set for his role with Yellow Dog. Alec has also worked as a sales rep and saltwater fly designer for Umpqua Feather Merchants and is one of the most knowledgeable people in the industry when it comes to fly design and saltwater applications. When you’re ready for your next Indian Ocean adventure, reach out to Alec to get things started!

What is your favorite species (or hatch) to fish for and where?
This is a tough question and really, it’s just the next fish that I am going to find myself in front of.  For the purpose of this though, one of my all-time favorites is bonefish.  I enjoy them no matter where I find them, but the Indian Ocean has to be my favorite.

Favorite Rod/Reel combo and why?
The Thomas and Thomas Sextant 9 weight rod with the Shilton SR9 reel. The Seychelles have had a lot of influence on the recent T&T saltwater rod models, and I feel like they have been designed to be very accommodating for those conditions over there.  Supple enough to protect your leader when a fish is on the line and stiff enough to send a good line through the wind.  The Shilton was an absolute workhorse for me while guiding in the Seychelles and it has been one of the most consistent performing reels I have ever come across. They have a crazy smooth startup inertia when the fish takes that first run and has plenty of stopping power to go up against anything I have put it up against.

Favorite Fly Line(s)?
My Favorite fly lines for bonefish on a nine weight has to be the Scientific Anglers Amplitude Infinity Smooth.  With its longer taper it allows me to land a long cast softer than a “heady” shooting head style line.  It also allows me to pick up a longer amount of line from the water to recast if I need to as opposed to stripping all the way into a shorter head before I am able to cast effectively.  I have to admit that I recently got a chance to use the clear tip version of this and was also very impressed with its performance.  On a recent trip to St. Brandon’s atoll, I was able to convert a number of permit and large bonefish on this, you just need to keep your eye on the ball (fly)!

Top Flies?
My top flies for bonefish in the Indian Ocean are the Pillow Talk, Gotcha, and Christmas Island Special.  If you were to just show up with these three patterns, you could catch just about any bonefish you would come across.  It is important to have these in different weights but overall, this gives you the range of colors and profiles in order to be successful.

Preferred Waders and Boots (if applicable)?
My preferred boot for wade fishing for bones in the Indian Ocean are going to be the Simms Flats Sneaker, or the Patagonia River Salt boots.  It's important to have a rigid sole with some ankle support, as you might find  yourself on uneven ground or broken coral areas. 

What do you use for leader and tippet and why does it work well for you?
I really like the Umpqua Deceiver HD Bonefish/Permit Fluorocarbon leaders as they come in a 12 foot length and have great tapers to deliver my flies properly. I believe that this is the only Saltwater leader in this length, and it pairs well with the Deceiver HD Saltwater Fluorocarbon tippet.  If I am really trying to size down the diameter of my tippet, I will then use the Umpqua Phantom X fluorocarbon tippet.  It's super strong stuff and will have a much smaller diameter per breaking strength compared to the saltwater tippets out there.

Favorite Luggage and Pack System?
My favorite luggage and pack system is the Patagonia Black Hole Wheeled Duffel paired with their packing cubes.  After countless fishing trips to many destinations, I am inevitably bringing lots of different gear that needs organization.  The packing cubes will keep my organized and then fit perfectly into my waterproof backpack once I am ready to get on the water.  I am currently using the Yeti Panga backpack that is bombproof but have also been enjoying the Patagonia Guidewater Waterproof Backpack.  I prefer a zipper vs a rolltop just so that I can open my bag all the way up and get to what I need. 

Favorite Accessories or Must-Have Pieces of Gear?
A pair of nippers on a lanyard, like the Hatch Nipper 3 I have found to be one of the most crucial pieces of gear I carry on the water.  While I don’t mind if a guide ties on my next fly, it's quite often that I have wandered off and need to quickly change a fly.  I also really like to have a small fly box like the UPG Foam Essential Mini when I am out bonefishing.  This is so I can keep this in my chest pocket and have quick access to a good selection of flies that won’t require me to have to dig into my pack for it.

If you were forced to incorporate one piece of tying material into all of your flies, what would it be and why?
This is an impossible question for a fly tyer like myself to answer, but if it had to be one marabou would take the cake. I love natural materials as they each have their own unique qualities, and marabou holds many that I really appreciate.  It comes in countless colors, does not hold much water when casting, and shakes and moves with every strip of your line.  Funny enough, I don’t use this in any bonefish flies, but it does make its way into most of everything else I tie. 

What is the go-to hook for pursuing (X)?
My hook of choice when fishing for bonefish is the Gamakatsu SL11–3H.  Great design for bonefish style flies, super strong, and comes in a wide range of sizes.

What would your next purchase be on the Yellow Dog site? 
I have been eyeing the Van Staal 6” pilers for some time, but my next purchase is probably some Thunder Thigh hoppers as this season is right around the corner here in Bozeman.

What are your favorite destinations you've traveled to and why? 
St. Brandon’s Atoll was my most recent destination that I have travelled to, and it exceeded my expectations.  I think my favorite places end up being the ones I haven’t been to before due to the mystery leading up to the trip.  With that said, my favorite place in the world is Alphonse Atoll in the Seychelles.

What's on your bucket list? 

  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Tanzania
  • The Wessel Islands/Cape York
  • The Dean River
  • The Skeena system
  • Los Roques
  • Kamchatka
  • Norway
  • Iceland
  • Newfoundland
  • Chile and Argentina
  • Bhutan
  • Cameroon
  • Gabon
  • Oman

What lodges do you really want to visit outside of your territory? 

  • Tsimane
  • Rio Marie
  • Nicholas Dean Lodge
  • Kau Tapen

Which destinations would you want to travel to from a cultural perspective? 

  • Bhutan
  • Iceland
  • Chile/Argentina
  • Bolivia