Supreme Hair Shrimp - Tan - Size 2

In its first year, the larger size 2 was hugely successful. We weren't surprised either. This fly, especially when wet, looks so close to the real thing it makes us hungry. This smaller size 6 is perfect for skinny waters anywhere shrimp might be found. It remains wonderfully translucent like the real morsels, has a neutral buoyancy that allows for long, slow and steady pulls legs for motion and green eyes for attraction (under dock light they mimic the actual green glow of the shrimp's eyes) when wet the Supreme Hair undulates with lifelike motion. A great smaller size for a great new fly.
Hook/Eyes: TMC 811S/Mono Eyes (Green)
Thread: UTC 140 (Tan)
Tail: Supreme Hair
Body: Ice Dubbing, Sili Legs, UV Resin (Over the top of the body)