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The YDCCF Lodge Partner Program

May 17, 23

With every trip booked, Yellow Dog Flyfishing donates a percentage back to YDCCF, a non-profit entity. We’re investing in projects and efforts to enhance communities and fisheries that are directly linked to destination angling.

From its start, YDCCF has been built on relationships formed by Yellow Dog Flyfishing over the last 25 years with lodges and outfitters across the globe. YDCCF exists to help give back to the communities that Yellow Dog sends anglers. We know that a great trip experience is rooted in the vibrancy and resiliency of the lives that our partners lead in these special places. The vast majority of the projects we have been able to help with are those led by our lodge partners on the ground in these communities.

The Lodge Partner Program is a way for lodges and outfitters to participate financially in contributing to projects in their community by donating directly to YDCCF. Many of our most sought-after destinations realize the power of this partnership and its ability to help drive community improvement projects in their own backyard. Premier Lodge Partners have made the largest financial commitment and it’s no surprise that these lodges comprise some of Yellow Dog’s most popular destinations. In many cases, these partnerships have already been generating results in their community for years: places like Punta Allen on the Yucatan Peninsula, the Bristol Bay region of Alaska, and the remote steppes of Mongolia.

Each of our Lodge Partners is deeply invested in ensuring their community is responsible, resourceful, and dedicated to providing not only an amazing experience for traveling anglers, but also for the residents of the community. Each of these places is special because of the people that live there, and working to constantly improve the lives of the people in these communities is what YDCCF was created to do.

Twice a year, we reach out directly to our Lodge Partners to engage in discussions about potential projects, learn about emerging issues they face, and work toward collaborating on the best solutions. It’s important to note that YDCCF doesn’t do the actual project work – in almost every case, that is led directly by the people in the community. They know best what their needs are and how to tackle the issues, and we support them financially in achieving their goals.

We encourage you to look for the Lodge Partner Program logo as you research options for your next trip. Knowing that the lodge you are selecting is invested in the surrounding community and fishery that they rely on for their livelihoods is yet another way to help you narrow down your choices. After all, great experiences don’t happen by accident – they are the result of deep investments made by the community.