Pocket Rocket - Copper/Brown - Size 4

If you're gearing up for your next trout Spey trip the RIO's Pocket Rocket is an essential streamer type addition to your fly box. Designed to cast easily with a trout Spey rod, this also casts well with a single handed rod and sink tip, and is very effective whether swung or stripped.
Hook/Thread: Tiemco 5263 Nymph Hook / UTC Ultra Thread 210 Denier
Wire: Lead Free Wire
Adhesive: Wapsi Fly Tyers z-Ment Head Cement/Glues
Butt: Ice Dubbing
Tail/Collar: Ostrich Herl or Ostrich Plume
Hackle: Whiting Farms Bugger Pack
Body: UTC Pearl Tinsel
WIng: Strung Guinea Feathers
Flash: Flashabou
Legs: Barred Sili Legs