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Tapam Lodge

Comfortable Single Occupancy Lodge Rooms // Capacity - 4 Anglers
Large Tarpon, Snook
Ideal For
Solo Anglers & Friends
Finding Tapam
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The waters of Tapam encompass an extensive inland system of lagoons, creeks, rivers, and a unique canal. While resident tarpon can be found year-round, the larger migratory tarpon begin entering the system early in the year, spreading to many prime fishing spots by mid-February. The peak season typically runs from March through May, with predominantly dry and sunny weather in March and April, transitioning to short but intense showers by late May. Mornings often start in "The Canal," a man-made link between a large river and the lagoons. Here, anglers search for bait-busting tarpon while the jungle comes alive with the sounds of howling monkeys and singing birds. When schools of mullet inadvertently enter the canal, feeding frenzies erupt, with tarpon leaping through the air and mullet even jumping onto dry land in their desperate escape. As the day progresses, boats move to other areas in search of rolling or feeding tarpon. Tarpon in Tapam range from smaller resident fish to larger migratory specimens, with most exceeding 50–60 pounds. Larger tarpon average 80–120 pounds, and some giants between 150–180 pounds are hooked, with a few successfully landed. With only two or three boats on the water, the fish experience minimal fishing pressure. Other species, including snook, powerful jacks, and grunting catfish, add variety to the experience.
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Lodging Details
The Tapam Lodge is nice, clean – and simple. This isn’t the Hilton but a hardcore fishing camp. Anglers stay in six single rooms with comfortable beds (including all linens and bedding), electricity and fans and there are two shared bath rooms. There is a larger well-lit dining room, a porch with hammocks for napping during the siesta. Access to the boats is right in front of the lodge.

Food and Beverages
The day starts with a very early breakfast so we can be on the water at first light. The boats will have cold drinks and cut tropical fruit on board and around noon we will be back at the lodge for a delicious hot lunch. Dinner is served after dark and is a mix of local cuisine with a more international touch. We have access to fresh shrimp, great steaks, chicken and fish.

Typical Length of Stay
The total time in Nicaragua is nine (9) nights / eight (8) days. The time at the Jungle Tarpon Reserve is seven (7) nights / seven (7) fishing days, with fishing consisting of six long days with two sessions on the water and one day with one 7-hour session. Anglers overnight in Managua upon arrival before a domestic flight to Bluefields the following morning followed by a speed boat transfer to the Tapam Lodge. The last night is at a hotel in Bluefields before flying domestic to Managua the next morning and continuing on your international flight. It’s possibly to request slightly shorter or longer stays. Please contact Yellow Dog for more details or customized itinerary options.

Non-Angling Activities
The Tapam Lodge is a fishing-focused destination and there are no activities for non-anglers. That said, the wildlife, the smell and the sounds of the jungle is a welcome bonus when chasing tarpon. 

Internet /Communications
There is Starlink Wi-Fi at the lodge cell phones will have some reception but you should check with your local provider about rates and coverage.

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