Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures client sent us in a photo of a trophy bonefish he caught while on a trip to Deep Water Cay. This is what he had to say... “We had a great trip and stay at Deep Water Cay. Spending a few days at the east end wading, kayaking and picnicking was terrific.The attached Bone in the pic measured 29 inches to the fork, which according to " weight estimate charts" was estimated at 12.5-13.5 /lbs, a personal best by far. They gave me a commemorative 10 /lb club pin which I will wear proudly in the faces of all my fishing buddies." Thanks again,
General Information Deep Water Cay Club (DWCC) is located on a small, private island on the eastern-most shores of Grand Bahama Island. You actually cannot drive any further east on the island, and in fact guests take a short boat ride from the main island to reach the club's private cay. The long-time guide staff works directly from the club's marina, and typical boat rides to the flats each day range from 15 - 45 minutes.
Much like the bights of Andros Island, this area of Grand Bahama is perfectly situated for fishing optimal tides throughout the day. Since DWCC is located in the middle of Big and Little Harbour Cays, Sweetings Cay, Lightbourne and Michael's Cays, there are numerous smaller bights or waterways that connect the northern and southern shores of the tip of Grand Bahama Island.
These intricate creeks, lagoons, and bights allow your guide to locate feeding bonefish throughout the day, thus preventing anglers from getting "stuck" fishing in unproductive areas during extreme high and low tides. This maximizes your fishing time when fishing out of DWCC.